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Florist’s Choice, $88

The Regular Bouquet measures about 10"

Tell us a little about the ocassion or what the recipient likes. We’ll give you our interpretation of a specially crafted bouquet using the freshest seasonal blooms!

Large, $115

The Large Bouquet measures about 12"

Tell us your reciepient’s favourite a colour theme and their favourite blooms. We will include one or two of them in our specially curated bespoke mix!

Premium, $135

The Premium Bouquet measures about 13"

Tell us more about your reciepient’s favourite a colour theme and their favourite blooms. This bespoke option includes the use of premium flowers such as peonies, holland ranunculus and garden spray roses.


Celebratory, $168

The Celebratory Bouquet measures about 15" and more.

Give us a budget, minimally at $175, tell us your favourite blooms and it will be something with those and more.

The Celebratory option is a highly customised option for that special ocassion. Proposals, anniversaries, birthdays etc.